Victoria Branch |
FMWC Member News Volume 18: No. 2 The FMWC Victoria
Branch enjoyed an evening in May with Dr. Mamta Gautam, who spoke on the ever
challenging topic of "keeping the Balance: Practical issues and
Strategies for women Physicians". About 40 women physicians and medical
students met at the hilltop home of Dr. Mary-Lou Jackson, for a potluck
dinner and sharing of stories. As Dr. Gautam said afterwards "I hated to
interrupt everyone to give my talk - everyone was having such a great time
just to have a chance to talk together themselves!" FMWC National
President, Dr. Cathy Younger-Lewis, was also in attendance, and talked to the
group on the importance of a national office to the "voice" and
power of a local group. Many thanks to Dr.
Jackson for organizing this event, and to MD Management for sponsoring Dr. Gautam's talk.