CMA launches physician health podcast series

by Matt Borsellino
The Medical Post
September 9, 2008

MONTREAL | The Canadian Medical Association’s centre for physician health and well-being has launched a podcast series—Healthy Practices.

The series, unveiled at the CMA’s annual meeting late last month, explores the challenges and ways of overcoming the stress affecting the personal and professional lives of physicians, according to a news release distributed days before delegates convened here.

Ottawa-based psychiatrist Dr. Mamta Gautam, known as “the doctor’s doctor” because physicians make up her entire practice, will host the series.

Healthy Practices will feature a range of expert guests, including physicians, with important and meaningful stories that help encourage and promote well-balanced and healthy lifestyles.

Podcasts of the two five-episode series began on the CMA’s website ( last month and are scheduled to continue until December. The first, focusing on mental health, covers stress and burnout, depression and the stigma of mental illness. The second, to be launched this fall, will reveal results from the Canadian physician health study.