Consulting Services for Physicians

Historically, there has been no greater rate of physician stress and all its accompanying symptoms, than today.

Physicians, on the front lines of health care have been forced, albeit reluctantly, to add themselves to a growing list of patients.

But who heals the healer?

Progress has been made, most notably in an initiative from the JointCommittee for the Accreditation of Health Organizations (JCAHO) that established guidelines for UShospitals to incorporate physician wellness programs at each and every hospital across the country.

Dr. Mamta Gautam

Accreditation is reliant on their compliance with setting a "process to identify and manage matters of individual physician health that is separate from the medical staff disciplinary function." For further details click here.

In keeping with these initiatives, Dr. Gautam is available to consult with medical groups, hospitals, and organizations, to help in planning and implementing Wellness Programs for their physicians and staff. For more specific consulting requirements, Dr. Gautam is able to tailor her input accordingly.

Dr. Gautam is available for consultation, to provide advice, expertise, and specific strategies to address physician-related matters, including:

  • Creation and Implementation of a Wellness Program in your organization
  • Regular maintenance and evaluation of Wellness Programs
  • Creating Protocols for dealing with the Impaired Physician
  • Developing Protocols for managing the Disruptive Physician
  • Establishment of Peer Mentoring Programs
  • Conflict Resolution and Mediation in medical settings
  • Enhancing Teamwork in medical groups and teams
  • Dealing with Stress and Burnout
  • Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide among Physicians
  • Dealing with the Stress of Litigation
  • Boundary Issues in Medicine
  • Dealing with Difficult Colleagues
  • Increasing Physician Satisfaction
  • Developing Physician Resilience
Updated June 2007 | Dr. Mamta Gautam - Site designed by Imaginations/Everything